Tuesday, March 18, 2008

6 miles

Ran a steady 6 miler this morning with Erik and his dad on the lakefront. Erik's dad was just in town for a couple days. It's fun to have someone new to run with even for one morning. It was lightly raining, but warmer than I expected. Still needed long sleeves and pants though. On the positive side I havent needed to run on the treadmill at the gym since February, so it at least feels like spring is around the corner. I think most Chicagoans would agree with me that this has been a nasty winter with long cold snaps and lots of snow.

I'm dealing with a little bit of a sore ankle from a run last week. It just bothers me for the first half-mile or so and then I don't notice it the rest of the run. As long as I rest it for a couple days now I don't think it will turn into anything serious. I experienced practically no issues or injury while training for the Rock and Roll Arizona Marathon, so I'd hate to start off training for Grandma's with an injury that will hold me back. Last week was my first solid 4 run week in a while and I reached over 25 miles total for the week. The marathon week was the last time I had over 25 miles. After two months of battling freezing weather and colds I finally feel like I am getting back into my pre-marathon training fitness.

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