Saturday, May 24, 2008

Race Report: Soldier Field 10 mile

We woke up at 5:30 this morning to get ready for the race. Cassie and I picked up Jon and Sara at 6 a.m. and we drove downtown to the race start at Soldier Field. After some traffic near the museum campus we were able to park easily and walk up to the start with about 25 minutes to spare. The weather was perfect for a distance race in the low 50s at the start. I thought I would need a long sleeved shirt, but I ended up going with a short-sleeved shirt right before we began. This ended up being a great decision as it warmed up very quickly during the race with the sun out and no cloud cover.

The race started at 7:30 a.m. There were about 7,500 runners, so it took us about 8-9 minutes just to get past the starting line and it was slow-moving during the first mile. The race course headed south along Lake Shore Drive for about 4 and a half miles and then cut back and returned north to Soldier Field, with a fantastic race finish on the 50 yard line.

My goal was to finish the race in less than 90 minutes, since I just missed that mark by 7 seconds during the Lakefront 10 miler a month earlier. My strategy was similar to the LF10; keeping a nice easy close to 9 min. pace for the first 7 miles or so and then pushing it on the last 3.

I felt really good during the race. I spent alot of time and energy weaving around other runners and passing them, but it was sort of a fun game to keep my mind occupied. It was really a beautiful course. I particularly liked heading north on the lakeshore path with a great view of the skyline. I never run much further south than Navy Pier so it was a treat to be running on new ground. Around mile 7 I knew that I'd have to pick it up to make it in under 90 minutes. I felt fine until about the last half-mile when I was feeling a little sick and mentally exhausted. When I emerged onto the field I saw that I had about a minute to spare and so I kicked it into the 50 yard line and finished the race in a chip time of 1:29:34 with 26 seconds to spare. I hadnt eaten anything before the race so I was really nauseated and hungry and the Gatorade wasnt sitting well. It didnt really help to get ushered into the crowded, hot concourse and I had a hard time finding some recovery snacks, but eventually we found it and were on our way.

The stats according to my watch (they vary slightly from my chip time):
Average lap: 8:58 miles
Mile 1: 10:00
Mile 2: 9:15
Mile 3: 9:03
Mile 4: 9:28
Mile 5: 8:58
Mile 6: 9:10
Mile 7: 8:58
Mile 8: 8:35
Mile 9: 8:19
Mile 10: 7:51

How's that for some nice negative splits? All in all, a great race. I still can't imagine keeping this pace for an entire marathon, but with some speedwork and tempo runs this summer, that is exactly what I want to accomplish at the Chicago Marathon. This was my last race before Grandma's Marathon on June 21. Cassie and I have our 20 mile run this weekend while were up in the Twin Cities, and then there is nothing left but the taper.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I guess I have lots to report since its been nearly two weeks since my last post. It's been a good couple of running weeks with good consistency and no injuries to report.

Last Sunday was the most difficult running day I've experienced in a long time, if not ever. Sunday morning we ran the Legs for Literacy 5k in Lincoln Park with our friend Jess. Jess is not a big runner, but wanted to do a little training and run a race with Cass and myself. We looked at several 5k races in May and decided this would be the best one. What we didnt do was take into account our marathon training. Turns out that we had to run 18 miles the same weekend. Originally we were going to do our long run on Saturday, but due to busy schedules it was pushed to Sunday. Since we couldnt do 15 more miles immediately after the race, that meant it was going to be a 21 mile day total. We figured we'd be okay if ran the race VERY conservatively at around 10 minute/mile pace. I kicked it from about 100 yards in, but otherwise it was going to be a warm up.

Later that afternoon we set out for our 18 mile long run on the lakeshore. Maybe it was the 5k, maybe I was just not mentally prepared, but it was extremely hard. We ran about 15 miles on the lakeshore and headed home before running another 4 miles on the river path. 15 plus 4 doesnt equal 18 you're saying, it's 19. Well, I didnt map the run before we left so we ended up running one more mile than we needed to, making it a 22 mile day. BUT we did finish it. It completely whipped us, but we did it. Erik ran with us for the first 15 miles, and with 2 miles to go, Jon caught up with us on the river path to surprise us and help take our minds off our pain while he was finishing his 10 miler. It was a big mental boost. On Monday I felt like I had run a marathon.

On Saturday morning we are running the Soldier Field 10 miler with Jon. We're supposed to have great weather and its a great course so I am really looking forward to it. I picked up our packets at the new Piper's Alley Fleet Feet store yesterday. I also wanted to pick up a new pair of Brooks Adrenalines since I have over 400 miles on my current pair. This will allow me to get about 100 miles on the new pair before the marathon and break them in. I dont know what it was, but I had a horrible experience at the new FF store. All the staff members seemed very rushed and rude. The new store is just huge comparitively and I sort of feel like they've lost some of their quality personal service at the new place. I think I'll stick to the Lincoln Square store when possible. I know they had packet pick-up going on and it was a busy time of day, but isnt personable, quality service their thing? Thats what they promote themselves as anyways.

Well, I will see you on the 50 yard line this weekend.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Training Update

I realized it has been a little while since I've given an update on my weekly runs. Training for Grandma's Marathon is going very well. Sunday afternoon, Cassie, Erik and I ran 16 miles along the lakeshore. After some stomach issues the first five miles, I settled into a nice groove the rest of the way and finished strong. Cassie had some of the same stomach issues, only they hit her at mile 13. The stomach issues were definitely our fault. We did a very stupid thing and ate a full lunch of pasta with creamy sauce 40 minutes before our long run. Our bodies hated us for it. We decided afterwards that we're going to write a book of all the stupid running things NOT to do. Erik is going to write a chapter on the trials and tribulations of buying an older model shoe for cheaper off the discount rack.

I've ran 32 miles so far this week. An easy 4.5 on Tuesday, 5.5 on Wednesday and a fairly quick 6 miler today. I need to get in a 10 mile long run this weekend, so I may end up crossing the 40 mile week mark for the second time in my life if I go tomorrow. The best part is that I've been injury free, with nothing more than general soreness after long runs. I didnt get any cross-training in this week because the weather has been cold and rainy and I havent been able to bike to work. I'm hoping to be biking at least 2-3 days a week regularly once the weather warms up for good. If I can add some speedwork on the track once a week I think that'll make a nice training plan.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Runniversary

Today is my one year runniversary. What is a runniversary you may ask? Well, one year ago today I took my first steps towards living an active healthy life. I met up with my friend Erik in the morning and we ran about four and a half miles around Ravenswood. I recall having to walk once or twice during the run because I just couldnt run anymore. After the run, I went home, got ready for work, and biked 10 miles downtown for the first time ever. I had to stop once or twice during the ride to rest and drink some water. I made it to work, tired, sore and exhausted. I couldn't imagine biking 10 miles back home later that day, but somehow I made the painful trek home that evening. It's amazing that I ever exercised again after I overdid it that first day, but somehow I continued, running 2-3 days a week the first few weeks, then running 3-4 days a week, until running became a habit instead of a chore.

Today, I ran a new route. A five and a half miler with my friend Jon, going past my new condo in Albany Park, which I move into in early June. I felt great and ran strong the entire time. A lot has changed since last May.

In one year I have ran over 1,000 miles, burned over 150,000 calories, lost over 40 lbs., ran a full-marathon and a numerous other road races. I can say without hesitation that I have never felt better about myself, where I am, and what I am doing with my life. I can't help but be excited about the year ahead as the weather warms up and I train for another marathon in June and look forward to running Chicago in the fall.