Friday, March 21, 2008

6 Miles and Snow

Erik and I braved the cold and hit the pavement this morning for about 6 miles to the lake and back. It was supposed to snow last night, and thankfully it didn't, however it started snowing about 1 mile into the run today. It was really windy so it quickly became blizzard-like with snow whipping us in the face and by the time I got back into the neighborhood it was accumulating on the sidewalks and starting to make everything wet, slushy and slippery. Even so, I ran a nice pace today, averaging about 9 min./miles. I felt good the entire run.

It's been snowing all morning and I think its supposed to be like this most of the day. Hopefully we don't get too much accumulation because this could make our 12 mile long run tomorrow less than fun. What a great way to start off Spring!

I'm at 16 miles so far this week, and with a long run tomorrow I should hit 28 miles for the week. The two days off really helped my ankle feel better, although it was still a little stiff. The 12 miler tomorrow will be the true test of how well it's healed. I'd like to bump up to 5 runs a week soon if my ankle and the weather allow it.

I just found a 10k race in Maui for the week Cassie and I are there on vacation. We'll be there in only 9 days! Enough of this snow and cold. There will be lots of good running there.

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