Monday, March 31, 2008

4.5 miles in Maui

We arrived in Maui yesterday. It was a 9 hour flight and after some issues with luggage arriving on a different plane and being very annoyed at the price of a few simple groceries, we found the condo that we are staying at for most of this week. Our condo is very nice, it is right on the ocean and it has a pool. We forced ourselves to stay awake as long as possible to adjust to Maui time, but we still fell asleep at like 9 p.m. It was a really long exhausting day.
We woke up at 6 a.m. feeling well rested and decided to go out for a run to explore the area and get the day started. Our first mile or so was on a side road that mostly had condos and resorts around it, and lots of palm trees and greenery. We did go by a fruit stand that we're going to have to visit later. The weather was gorgeous today. It was around 70 degrees on our run. The sun wasn't even a factor for the first 3 miles because we are staying on the west side of the island, and there is a mountain (Pu'u Kukui) blocking the sun rise. It was very windy though. We ended up running alongside a busy road before we finally found a good boardwalk by a beach. The road had a nice big shoulder, but I'm still not used to running that close to so much traffic. I think we'll find a different route tomorrow. I felt really good on the run. I still have some lingering left ankle tenderness, but its really not an issue. I'm looking forward to a week of good running.

We did some hiking this afternoon on the north side of the island. I've never been to a place like this, the terrain is incredible. Our hike was mostly in a really rocky and craggy area along the ocean, that looked like the Moon or Mars with lots of weird lava rock formations. It was a really fun drive on lots of windy roads. I don't know if I will ever have a chance to come back here, so I am trying to take it all in and enjoy it as much as possible. I'm in Maui now so I dont want to spend too much time online, so I'm going to go now. We are going to get some seafood and sushi for dinner. I don't know it it's the weather or what, but we've been starving all day even though we've been eating constantly.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

11 miles and back on track

Erik, Cassie and I put in an easy 11 miler today. I call it easy because there were a few stops on the run, so it wasn't continous. After about 6 miles we stopped at the theatre to help with some schlepping for the benefit tonight downtown. That was about a half-hour break, although it was heavy lifting, so that could sort of count as strength training. Then later near our home Cassie and I ran into an old friend from college who was waiting for the bus so we chatted with him for a while. We got the miles in eventually though. We were planning on 12 miles, but it just didnt workout that way. The weather was nice as well, sunny and in the high 30s with some wind.

The great news though is that both of my ankles felt great! The left one still was slightly tender, but not painful in the least and I didnt need to take any painkillers before or after. It seems like I am on my way back to running healthy.

We are off to Maui in the morning, and hopefully with the nice weather we should be able to get in a great running week. It will really help make up for this week which suffered because of needing to rest and heal my ankles. It worked though, so it was worth it. I have several hours worth of running podcasts to listen to on the flight tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. If I don't write while I am in Maui I will provide a full report upon my return. Mahalo!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Another 5.9 miles and more pain

More of the same today with the ankle. I iced it last night and woke up feeling fine, but when I slipped on my running shoe the same pain came back. It has to be something with the place where my shoe is touching my ankle while I move, like a pinched nerve or bruised bone or something. It's weird because when my shoe is off it doesnt even feel tender or sore to the touch. I tried going back to the Nikes to see if that would make a difference, but it was the same. So I popped an IB proufen and went out with Cassie to meet up with Schroeder. I've never used a pain killer on a run before, mostly because I've never needed one, but it really helped. I felt great on the run. After about half a mile I felt no pain at all. I know it's not a good idea to use pain killers while running because you arent completely in touch with how you're actually feeling, but it was a quick cure for me today.

We moved at a pretty easy pace today thankfully. The weather was beautiful for an early spring morning. High 30s and sunny, so I wore shorts. I was hoping it would be a little warmer, but I survived with shorts. I'm gonna take a day or two off now to heal before my Saturday long run. We've got another 12 miles planned this weekend. Then on Sunday we are off to Maui for a week! Not sure if we'll have internet there, but if so, I'll post running updates. I want to get in 4-5 runs at least. We are running a 10k race next Saturday in Kahului, and we'll have to get in a long run someday. Maybe it will be summer when we get back to Chicago.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

5.9 miles

I'm very discouraged tonight. I got home from work to go for a run outside. The weather was beautiful, in the low 50s and clear, just a little windy. I quickly threw on my running gear and headed towards the lakefront while there was still light. I was wearing shorts for the first time this spring, I was on a great pace and feeling like I could run for hours. My right ankle was giving me no problems and seemed to be healed. I was hoping to get in at least 6, maybe 7, miles.

Had I been running a 5k race, I probably would have PRd because it only took me a little more than 24 minutes to hit three miles and I didnt even feel like I was pushing too much. After I turned off the lakeshore path to head west on Irving Park back home I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my left ankle. I've had absolutely no problems with my left ankle to date. I tried to keep going, but had to stop a couple times and stretch it out and loosen up the laces on my shoes because thats where it felt like the pain was, right where I tie my shoes. I was somehow able to keep going, although at a much slower pace, and went from moments of sharp pain to no pain at all for the next 2 1/2 miles until I got home.

Right now I have it wrapped and iced. I also took an IB proufen so all is good. I'm supposed to run with Erik in the morning, but I'll have to see how I'm feeling. I need to head to bed to get some rest. What horrible luck the last 2 weeks. I just can't believe the ankle injury problems I've been having.

Monday, March 24, 2008

12 miles

Cassie, Erik and I went for a 12 mile long run Saturday late morning. All the snow on Friday made everything a mess, but we had to get in our run. At least it was sunny and sort of warm, but that contributed to the messiness. Slushy snow and puddles were everywhere. My shoes and socks were soaked pretty much before mile 3. No one in this city shovels their sidewalks. Once we got out to the lakeshore path it turned out to be a great run. I'm always amazed at how well the city keeps up the lakeshore path. Winter long runs in Chicago wouldnt be possible without it.

It was a good run for me. Our pace was a little slower because Cassie was with us, but it wasnt much of a difference. I was able to take off my pullover and run in just a t-shirt going south on the path because the wind was at our back, but once we turned around to head back home I needed to wear my pull-over again. Ah well, it felt like summer for about a half-hour at least. We took GU only once at mile 6 and that seemed to do the trick for me.

And my ankle? Well, it was pretty much the same problem as it has been the last week and a half. A bit sensitive at first, but then the problem goes away after a mile or two and it's fine until after the run. I am going to let it rest until at least Tuesday night or Wednesday morning before running again. If a running coach or trainer were to read this they would think I'm an idiot because I keep running on my ankle and it obviously needs a little more time to heal. It's just hard to take the time off from training. So, I'll continue to be an idiot and hope that it gets better.

Friday, March 21, 2008

6 Miles and Snow

Erik and I braved the cold and hit the pavement this morning for about 6 miles to the lake and back. It was supposed to snow last night, and thankfully it didn't, however it started snowing about 1 mile into the run today. It was really windy so it quickly became blizzard-like with snow whipping us in the face and by the time I got back into the neighborhood it was accumulating on the sidewalks and starting to make everything wet, slushy and slippery. Even so, I ran a nice pace today, averaging about 9 min./miles. I felt good the entire run.

It's been snowing all morning and I think its supposed to be like this most of the day. Hopefully we don't get too much accumulation because this could make our 12 mile long run tomorrow less than fun. What a great way to start off Spring!

I'm at 16 miles so far this week, and with a long run tomorrow I should hit 28 miles for the week. The two days off really helped my ankle feel better, although it was still a little stiff. The 12 miler tomorrow will be the true test of how well it's healed. I'd like to bump up to 5 runs a week soon if my ankle and the weather allow it.

I just found a 10k race in Maui for the week Cassie and I are there on vacation. We'll be there in only 9 days! Enough of this snow and cold. There will be lots of good running there.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

6 miles

Ran a steady 6 miler this morning with Erik and his dad on the lakefront. Erik's dad was just in town for a couple days. It's fun to have someone new to run with even for one morning. It was lightly raining, but warmer than I expected. Still needed long sleeves and pants though. On the positive side I havent needed to run on the treadmill at the gym since February, so it at least feels like spring is around the corner. I think most Chicagoans would agree with me that this has been a nasty winter with long cold snaps and lots of snow.

I'm dealing with a little bit of a sore ankle from a run last week. It just bothers me for the first half-mile or so and then I don't notice it the rest of the run. As long as I rest it for a couple days now I don't think it will turn into anything serious. I experienced practically no issues or injury while training for the Rock and Roll Arizona Marathon, so I'd hate to start off training for Grandma's with an injury that will hold me back. Last week was my first solid 4 run week in a while and I reached over 25 miles total for the week. The marathon week was the last time I had over 25 miles. After two months of battling freezing weather and colds I finally feel like I am getting back into my pre-marathon training fitness.