Friday, May 9, 2008

Training Update

I realized it has been a little while since I've given an update on my weekly runs. Training for Grandma's Marathon is going very well. Sunday afternoon, Cassie, Erik and I ran 16 miles along the lakeshore. After some stomach issues the first five miles, I settled into a nice groove the rest of the way and finished strong. Cassie had some of the same stomach issues, only they hit her at mile 13. The stomach issues were definitely our fault. We did a very stupid thing and ate a full lunch of pasta with creamy sauce 40 minutes before our long run. Our bodies hated us for it. We decided afterwards that we're going to write a book of all the stupid running things NOT to do. Erik is going to write a chapter on the trials and tribulations of buying an older model shoe for cheaper off the discount rack.

I've ran 32 miles so far this week. An easy 4.5 on Tuesday, 5.5 on Wednesday and a fairly quick 6 miler today. I need to get in a 10 mile long run this weekend, so I may end up crossing the 40 mile week mark for the second time in my life if I go tomorrow. The best part is that I've been injury free, with nothing more than general soreness after long runs. I didnt get any cross-training in this week because the weather has been cold and rainy and I havent been able to bike to work. I'm hoping to be biking at least 2-3 days a week regularly once the weather warms up for good. If I can add some speedwork on the track once a week I think that'll make a nice training plan.

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